Friday, June 13, 2014


The year has finally come to an end, and I must admit I'm having so many mixed feelings. I feel relief that my husband and I are headed off for a week at the beach. I feel sadness at seeing the 5th graders leave but excitement for what the future has in store for them. Most of all, though, I feel such intense gratitude and appreciation for all of you here at Sycamore Park. 

When my husband and I moved here in August from Pittsburgh, it was a difficult transition. We were leaving so much behind....our friends, our family, and our whole life in Pittsburgh. I'll admit, Culpeper was a big change for us. Then I got the job at Sycamore Park in December. Right from the start, all of you welcomed me with open arms. I felt like I had so much support and encouragement from so many of you. Honestly, I feel like I have a new family here at Sycamore Park, and I am so grateful to be here. 

Thank you all for your kind words of support over these last few months. Thanks for the positive words when something went right. Thanks for the encouraging words when things went wrong. Thanks for your patience as I learned the ropes. Thanks for your kindness and generosity. Thanks for showing me how things run here at Sycamore Park. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms. Thanks for all of your tips, wisdom, and experience. Thanks for all of the great memories this year. Thank you thank you thank you! My heart is honestly so full with thanks!

And see you next year!

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