Sunday, March 9, 2014


Despite the overwhelming amount of snow we've had and the cold temperatures, Spring is indeed around the corner! I know I can't wait! With Spring comes some fun book topics, such as ooey gooey earth worms, flowers and gardens, thunderstorms and rain, umbrellas, and fun spring animals.
To make it easier for teachers and students (and me) searching for Spring books, I made a list of Spring-related books in our Destiny catalog. It is super easy to find, and it lists titles related to all the Spring things I listed above. Here's how to find it.

1. Go to Sycamore Park's library catalog.
2. On the left, there are three options: Library Search, Destiny Quest, and Resource Lists. Click on Resource Lists. 
3. It will say "My Lists". On the right are two tabs: My Lists and Public Lists. Click on Public Lists. 
4. Click on Spring Titles. 

Now that everything is thawing and it doesn't physically hurt to go outside, it might be a great time for students to start exploring the world around them and take a plunge into science! I listed some websites below that might encourage children to embrace the warmer spring weather, learn about the world, and delve deeper into science. Enjoy!

This website helps students experience the excitement of contemporary science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and technology centers worldwide. Areas of the website include "Adventure", "Experience", "Field Trips", "Curious?", and "Live Cams". 

This website, available in English AND Spanish, is easy to navigate and allows students to learn about how to plant their first garden. The website includes areas such as "Garden Gallery", "Show Me The Basics", "Garden FUNdamentals", "Planning My Garden", and an area for the teachers entitled "Teacher's Guide". 

This branch of is all about educating students about endangered species, the rain forest, and what they can do to help and keep themselves informed. It includes maps of rain forest areas, a list of what the kids can do to be environmentally friendly, and a pledge the kids can sign if they choose to "be a friend to the environment and help the Lorax". 

This website encourages kids to explore their own backyard and even consider a career as a scientist. The students can learn about various science subjects, watch videos related to the topics, and participate in activities both off and online.

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