Thursday, January 9, 2014


As most of you know, this month we are celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. To prepare for this holiday on the 20th, the current book display as you enter the library contains books relating to Martin Luther King, Jr! All teachers and students are welcome to check these books out.
Every month, and during certain special weeks throughout the year, I plan on having a relevant display on the bookshelves as you enter the library. For example, in December we had a holiday display. In early January, we had a winter display. Now, we have a Martin Luther King display. After that, it will be a Valentine's Day/Love display. If you ever have any ideas or requests for a display, please let me know!

Also, I wanted to let everyone know that we have some great new titles centered around diversity that have just been added to the collection (thanks to Mrs. Jones for ordering the titles before she left). They are listed below. If you are interested in checking out any of the titles, please let me know and I can find them for you!

Diversity Titles

A Rainbow of Friends
By P.K. Hallinan

Who Is In Your Family?: A Celebration In Diversity
By Susan Bowman

I Am The World
By Charles Smith

Gorp's Dream: A Tale of Diversity, Tolerance, And Love...
By Sherri Chessen

It's Ok To Be Different
By Todd Parr

Can You Say Peace?
By Karen Katz


  1. This will be a great way for me to keep in touch with what is happening in the library. I don't get to visit the library as often I would like to.

  2. Thanks for the comments, guys!! I appreciate it!
